miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

Sermones Religiosos (English)

The disharmony of man disharmonizes nature.  Certain men have the tendency to reduce all knowledge to reason.  They take as the only truth, science. This perception of reality is too small to understand the immenseness of  knowledge.
Humans get out of tune with the whole when they cannot see further than their five senses. For men to become sound they must enter that infinite invisible world of knowledge.  Human beings worst error  is their inability to pursue the higher levels of wisdom.  In a state of disrupture with themselves they inflict disharmony in nature.   Nearly two thousand years ago a preacher that went by the name of “The Herald of Truth” spoke about the effect of the instability of man on the four elements. It should be pointed out that the four ancient elements referred to by this preacher are not to be confused with the inseparable substances in nature.
The four ancient elements refer to the four of first essentials that make life possible: air, water, fire and earth.  According to the preacher the most subtle of the four is water as it constantly changes from solid, to liquid, to vapor and as such it is the first of them to be affected by the disharmonious human beings so when the instability of man reaches a certain point the first to react is water with floods, and tsunamis. Of late we have  in the world not only the disasters of water but also of fire, earth in quakes and the abominable  destruction of good air. It is more than clear that without air nothing survives for very long, needless to say, the same goes for water.
Presently, with the appearance of the quantic physics a number  of things that before were only believed by faith can now be accepted scientifically. This is the case in investigations made in Japan how water reacts to very words said over it. Pictures of the molecular formation of a particular glass of water changes accordingly to ones offensive or grateful words said over it.  Now it is much   more easy to believe scientifically the transubstantiation. But happy are those had believed and do believe  by faith and faith alone.  In our very days, when nature seems to rent apart our  Mother Earth, which is the only abode that we have, it is imperative that we all human beings calm nature by developing in ourselves a more substantial knowledge of the invisible, of the spirit, if we want to save humankind from total disappearance. All over the world people have suffered the violence of water in rain, floods and tsunamis.
Let us remember now how we learned from the gospels how Christ calmed the tempest by a simple act. Remember the fear of the apostles of the terrible winds  and tempestuous  water and . and how our Lord Christ calmed them. And let us bear in mind  how He
told us that we are children of the Almighty and we can do great things, but we can only do so when we are in harmony with the invisible world of the souls.  Our souls are immense and  our bodies little.
Our souls are so beautiful in harmony. As St. Teresa said:  “They are the Paradise where God delights Himself.” So let us leave this temple today bearing in mind how beautiful our souls are and how much power God has bestowed upon them.”

Biografia: Most Reverend Ronald Steinhardt D.D.