sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011

Saint Matthew Shephard NOVENA PRAYER

Patron of all victims of prejudice, persecution

And of women giving birth in difficulty


There is always a saint who shields the persecuted, those hated for no other reason than for what God' made them like. Saint Matthew Shephard, hate crime victim has already interceded with God to save many from gay bashing and murder Miraculously he healed women with breast cancer. So his death was not in vain because from heaven he bestows upon the many that invoke him greater blessings than those he gave so kindly when he was in this world. This comes as a shame for those who took the path of satan and perpetrated the horrible crime that somehow has helped in elevating him to the altars. Indeed, it can only be said that those who ridicule and hate what God the Father has created commit the most grevious sin of all, St. Matthew Shephard from the heights of where he is intercedes with God for those that are hated and despised by possessed men and women who are sinners against God the Father. May those who read these lines invoke St. Matthew so that the blessings and .protection he gives may fall upon them.

God the Father of Love:
Pour out Your love and protection on us.
God the Son, Jesus Christ our Friend and
Pour out Your love and protection on us.
God the Holy Spirit, Divine Energy and Wisdom:
Pour out Your love and protection on us.
Holy Trinity, Eternal God:
Pour out Your love and protection on us.
Blessed Mary, Mother of Tenderness and
Keep us under your mantle of love and protection.
Saint Michael, Defender of justice:
Protect us with your sword of truth and shield
us with your shield of justice.
St. Matthew Shephard:
Pray for us.
All you saints and martyrs of persecution:
Pray for us and for the elimination of all
prejudice and cruel acts against God's children...
(Here make your special request)


St. Matthew Shephard, I come to you,
I name you and raise my mind to you
As they have told me, ail martyrs are worthy of
Not because martyrdom is to be imitated,
But to be eliminated.
From your place of peace in the Mind of God:
Move minds and hearts to eliminate unjust suffering
and death.
I come to you and name you
Who are next to the Archangel Spirit,
Who wields the firey sword of truth and justice.
Make truth and justice triumph over unjust suffering
and death.
I come to you and name you.
Who are next to the Blessed Mother of Love and
Compassion so that life, love and compassion may
triumph over unjust suffering and death    Amen+
Our Father       , Hail   Mary    Glory be to the
Free Christian Catholic Orthodox Church. P.O. Box 973, San Jose 1000, Costa Rica