sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011


Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest". This is the message of Christ, and therefore the message of His true Church. She opens her doors to al[_those whom He so freely invites to enter. Those who discriminate against His children putting in the mouth of Christ words that He never said are not only truly blasphemers, but definitely have no place in the true (orthodox) Church of Christ. These people are not willing to act according to His Word. These, who discriminate in the Church against the overladen with suffering, delight in the infamy they cause others, and enjoy causing discord where there is harmony. Persons like this have no place with Christ. - As a true Church, she not only invites a|l to enter who duly respect the teachings of the Divine Master, but also she rejects in the Body of Christ those who come preaching hate. Definitely there is no place for those who wish to associate with the Body of Christ to use it as a means to vent their malevolence, prejudices and bad habits. This Church is open not only to those who look to alleviate their lives, but also to all those who want to be better human beings. THE BODY OF CHRIST CONSISTS OF ALL MEN OF GOOD WILL. Besides these words of invitation of Our Lord, the ethical and moral base of the Church is love as defined in the words of Christ: "Love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself. THE FAITH OF THE CHURCH comes principally from two living sources: the  Holy Scriptures and Tradition. Neither of these sources represents a narrowness or limitation of the Divine Truth, which never can be limited.
She receives a living tradition, which is not restricted to any sect but is universal. Saint Augustine said that christian truth did not begin with the Christian Church, but is of all times.
The Holy Scriptures represent an ¡nspired source where the Word of God can be found. These two sources are always interpreted and are submitted to two Divine Principies:  Love and Wisdom. There is no aspect of revelation which can contradict these Divine Principies.

THE DIVINITY is infinite and unlimited in its manifestations. It is BEING. "I AM THAT I AM". God fuñe and is manifested as Trinity: The Father who eternally brings into existence (creates) all which is; The Son who is infinite Love, the perfect image of the Father, becomes incarnate to save and heal man; The Holy Spirit who sanctifies and vivifies all creation.

THE INCARNATION: The Second Person of the Holy Trinity became flesh in Jesús Christ to be always present with men and save and heal them.

SALVATION: We are saved by a living faith which produces good works and a continual rebirth in Christ. He is the Light that dwells in the hearts of all His faithful followers. Jesús founded His CHURCH in order to continué to be present and to act in the world. For this reason He gave us the SACRAMENTS, which are true means of grace or Divine Life.

1. BAPTISM in the Ñame of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit purifies us, pardons our sins and incorporales us in His mystical body.

2. CONFIRMATION by imposition of hands and unction of a bishop sanctifies, fortines and confirms us in the faith.

3. THE HOLY EUCHARIST presents in time and space the eternal sacrifice of Christ. In it Christ is truly present under the sensible forms of bread and wine to nourish us. The Church offers Holy Communion to all who approach it with reverence and contrite hearts.

4. HOLY ABSOLUTION consists in contrition for our faults, intention to change and the reception of pardon by the words of a priest. It is given in all eucharistic celebrations to facilítate the reception of Holy Communion.

5. HOLY UNCTION is given for healing and pardon of imperfections and faults.

6. HOLY ORDERS of apostolic succession are three: Deacon, Priest and Bishop. They exist to continué the mission of Christ in the world: to preach His Word and to administer the Sacraments. It is neither recommended ñor prohibited the marriage of the clergy.

7. MATRIMONY is the blessing of the nuptial unión by the Church. It is not denied the reception of the sacraments by divorced persons. The believers of this faith by faith and knowledge affirm that the sacraments, in a certain manner, put them in contact with our Savior.

The   sacraments   are   our   visible   contact   with   the    Divinity,    therefore sacramentalism is the keystone of our temple. Therefore it must be emphasized that to particípate in the sacraments the faithful must, at least believe and feel a fervent obedience toward the Christian Ethic which is formed by respect, tolerance and nowledge of the creation of God the Father (man as an individual). To criticize how God has made one of His children is to fall in the terrible sin against the Father who is Creator. Before loving it is necessary to tolérate. As before stated, those who criticize the creation of the Father do not have any place in the true Christian Church.

THE MISSION OF THE CHRISTIAN is to be perfect as his Father in heaven is perfect. Life does not end in death, it continúes in its evolution and purification.
Man receives the just results of his works, be they good or bad.
This Church offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass remembering and giving light to the faithful departed.

THE CHURCH is the communion of the saints in unión with their head, Christ. Just as the faithful can intercede for those who have passed on to a better life, the glorified saints can aid them with their prayers. The principal intercessor and protector of christians is the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, who represents the perfection of humanity. The teachings of the Church can be found in a wide living tradition and in the three creeds universally accepted in the traditional branches of the faith. They, as well as the Scriptures always have been interpreted ¡n diverse manners, for this reason, in this Church it is not demanded any exclusive or specific interpretaron of the Truth.

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