viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

English Sermon Two

English Sermon Two. Power of prayer over nature,,,Bishop Ronald Michael.

After days of anguish bcause of constant heavy rains that has left hundreds without houses and that at least half of the city of St. Ann in Costa Rica in peril of being buried by the surrounding ountains that bean to tumble down, the weather changed for the best, but what is more amazing was that the third and fourth of October are the worst days of the year for raing so much that thesr are called (cordon of San Francisco) something like '"slash of St. Francis", precisely because of this reason, all expected doom for that city was expected. But it was not so, on the contrary. the third and fouth of the month were splended. The sun came out. There weren't thunders or lightng rays and least of all rain.The nights we luminous. There was peace in the air.This sudden tranquility sprang from the prayers of dfferent cults. Yes, the weather calmed down because the ultimate man has is to implore the Divinity and being heard by it, .Ineed, this is a great power that the communities use less and less for these geat natural catastrophes. Yes, when people prayed at the mass in Saint Anne, they bought calm and peace to the city as a result of their finding harmony through prayer.Our Lord Christ brought calm to the tempest, He can do so in any natural event if a group of people with simple prayers harnonize themselves with nature, and so Christ comes to help. Let's not forget that its out of the disharmony with ourselves that brings disharmony to our beloved nature.Thanks to God the Almighty that the power to clam nature is within us all. Amen And let us not forget the intercession of St. Francis Assisi, saint of ecology.Amen. Bishop Michael Steinhardt

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