viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011

Sermon VI


And your wrath is come and must destroy them that destroy the earth.” Revelation 11:18

The Word of God is quite clear on what is the outcome for those that destroy earth. The earth that for all practical  purposes is our caring Mother if we, in turn, care for her.

The earth embraces earth, air, water and fire.  Can anyone live without air? No one could.  Only evil fools, unworthy of being alive can pollute the air so that the morons can have more money.  You must be very stupid to exchange life for money. But the people distrustful of the earth cannot be much longer with us, they are another specie that rhymes their lives at the sound of the tunes, tune of the devil. Yes indeed, they have not much longer to enjoy the beauty and delights of our Mother Earth.  They have disowned the Lord, therefore, they are not his children any longer. They have no business in this beautiful world of ours.  The sooner they disappear the better. For them, there is not forgiveness because they don’t believe in it. Saint John states “Your wrath is come and must destroy them that destroy  the earth. Amen, Amen, Amen.

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