viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011

Sermon III

¡Men of little faith! Said the Lord to the fright ten disciples by the sea tempest around them, and with only a sign from Christ the water calmed down.  Indeed, to be afraid is to have little faith, and when one is faithless one is disarmed

The Creative Force greatly depends on faith.

The creative man whatever his goal is, if there is no faith in him,  he does not achieve his goal.  The architect first has in mind the building he is to make, but to make it areality he must have the faith within him that he can do it, if that faith does not exist  within him that he can do it he can do it, if that faith does not exist within him then there is no building.  To walk on the straight path of our lives to obtain our objectives our flag must be faith.  Faith is the cure for disharmony.  Without faith the human being is disharmonic and brings disharmony upon his surroundings.  But when we look at the magnificence of the skies an awesome feeling invades us and this is the door through which faith enters us .  Yes, if every day we devote a moment to see the greatness of nature we are opening ourselves to faith.  When we are filled with it, then it becomes clear to us that nothing for God impossible; then, with certitude one knows that nature is obedient to the Lord. Let us make our goal to embrace with all our mightthe faith to  the point that God will give us the power to harmonize where there is disharmony. Let us remember how St. Paul calmed a great torment at the midst of the sea by performing a sacrament.  Let us ask Our Lord for the grace of faith; so we can live in harmony with ourselves and nature; !For God nothing is impossible!

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