sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011


Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest". This is the message of Christ, and therefore the message of His true Church. She opens her doors to al[_those whom He so freely invites to enter. Those who discriminate against His children putting in the mouth of Christ words that He never said are not only truly blasphemers, but definitely have no place in the true (orthodox) Church of Christ. These people are not willing to act according to His Word. These, who discriminate in the Church against the overladen with suffering, delight in the infamy they cause others, and enjoy causing discord where there is harmony. Persons like this have no place with Christ. - As a true Church, she not only invites a|l to enter who duly respect the teachings of the Divine Master, but also she rejects in the Body of Christ those who come preaching hate. Definitely there is no place for those who wish to associate with the Body of Christ to use it as a means to vent their malevolence, prejudices and bad habits. This Church is open not only to those who look to alleviate their lives, but also to all those who want to be better human beings. THE BODY OF CHRIST CONSISTS OF ALL MEN OF GOOD WILL. Besides these words of invitation of Our Lord, the ethical and moral base of the Church is love as defined in the words of Christ: "Love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself. THE FAITH OF THE CHURCH comes principally from two living sources: the  Holy Scriptures and Tradition. Neither of these sources represents a narrowness or limitation of the Divine Truth, which never can be limited.
She receives a living tradition, which is not restricted to any sect but is universal. Saint Augustine said that christian truth did not begin with the Christian Church, but is of all times.
The Holy Scriptures represent an ¡nspired source where the Word of God can be found. These two sources are always interpreted and are submitted to two Divine Principies:  Love and Wisdom. There is no aspect of revelation which can contradict these Divine Principies.

THE DIVINITY is infinite and unlimited in its manifestations. It is BEING. "I AM THAT I AM". God fuñe and is manifested as Trinity: The Father who eternally brings into existence (creates) all which is; The Son who is infinite Love, the perfect image of the Father, becomes incarnate to save and heal man; The Holy Spirit who sanctifies and vivifies all creation.

THE INCARNATION: The Second Person of the Holy Trinity became flesh in Jesús Christ to be always present with men and save and heal them.

SALVATION: We are saved by a living faith which produces good works and a continual rebirth in Christ. He is the Light that dwells in the hearts of all His faithful followers. Jesús founded His CHURCH in order to continué to be present and to act in the world. For this reason He gave us the SACRAMENTS, which are true means of grace or Divine Life.

1. BAPTISM in the Ñame of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit purifies us, pardons our sins and incorporales us in His mystical body.

2. CONFIRMATION by imposition of hands and unction of a bishop sanctifies, fortines and confirms us in the faith.

3. THE HOLY EUCHARIST presents in time and space the eternal sacrifice of Christ. In it Christ is truly present under the sensible forms of bread and wine to nourish us. The Church offers Holy Communion to all who approach it with reverence and contrite hearts.

4. HOLY ABSOLUTION consists in contrition for our faults, intention to change and the reception of pardon by the words of a priest. It is given in all eucharistic celebrations to facilítate the reception of Holy Communion.

5. HOLY UNCTION is given for healing and pardon of imperfections and faults.

6. HOLY ORDERS of apostolic succession are three: Deacon, Priest and Bishop. They exist to continué the mission of Christ in the world: to preach His Word and to administer the Sacraments. It is neither recommended ñor prohibited the marriage of the clergy.

7. MATRIMONY is the blessing of the nuptial unión by the Church. It is not denied the reception of the sacraments by divorced persons. The believers of this faith by faith and knowledge affirm that the sacraments, in a certain manner, put them in contact with our Savior.

The   sacraments   are   our   visible   contact   with   the    Divinity,    therefore sacramentalism is the keystone of our temple. Therefore it must be emphasized that to particípate in the sacraments the faithful must, at least believe and feel a fervent obedience toward the Christian Ethic which is formed by respect, tolerance and nowledge of the creation of God the Father (man as an individual). To criticize how God has made one of His children is to fall in the terrible sin against the Father who is Creator. Before loving it is necessary to tolérate. As before stated, those who criticize the creation of the Father do not have any place in the true Christian Church.

THE MISSION OF THE CHRISTIAN is to be perfect as his Father in heaven is perfect. Life does not end in death, it continúes in its evolution and purification.
Man receives the just results of his works, be they good or bad.
This Church offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass remembering and giving light to the faithful departed.

THE CHURCH is the communion of the saints in unión with their head, Christ. Just as the faithful can intercede for those who have passed on to a better life, the glorified saints can aid them with their prayers. The principal intercessor and protector of christians is the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, who represents the perfection of humanity. The teachings of the Church can be found in a wide living tradition and in the three creeds universally accepted in the traditional branches of the faith. They, as well as the Scriptures always have been interpreted ¡n diverse manners, for this reason, in this Church it is not demanded any exclusive or specific interpretaron of the Truth.


"Venid a mi TODOS los que estáis trabajados y cargados y os haré descansar." Este es el mensaje de Cristo y la invitación de nuestra iglesia, la verdadera iglesia de Jesús, por lo tanto, le abre la puerta a TODOS a ios que El, tan ampliamente invita. Aquellos que discriminan, poniendo en boca de Cristo palabras que El nunca dijo, no solo cometen una verdadera blasfemia, sino que definitivamente no tienen sitio en la verdadera (Ortodoxa) Iglesia de Jesús; los que no están dispuestos a respetar y actuar de acuerdo con Sus Palabras, los que quieren discriminar en la iglesia a los que están cargados de sufrimiento, los que gozan de la infamia que es cometida a los otros, los que sienten placer en traer discordia donde hay armonía no tienen parte con Cristo.
Los de la verdadera Iglesia no solo invitamos por obediencia al Señor a todos los que se acogen a ella con e! debido respeto a las enseñanzas del Divino Maestro, sino también rechazamos, en el cuerpo dé la misma, a aquellos que vienen henchidos de odio. Definitivamente este no es el lugar para esos que desean vincularse con el Cuerpo de Cristo para usarlo como medio para complacer a sus prejuicios, despechos y malos hábitos. La iglesia esta abierta para todos aquellos que no solo vienen en busca de aliviar sus vidas, sino también de aprender a ser mejores personas. El Cuerpo de Cristo consiste de TODOS LOS HOMBRES DE BUENA VOLUNTAD.
Además de estas palabras de invitación del Señor Cristo, la base de ética de la iglesia es el amor definido en las palabras del Señor: "Amar a Dios sobre todas las cosas y tu prójimo como a ti mismo."
LA FE DE LA IGLESIA viene principalmente de dos fuentes vivas: las Santas Escrituras y la Sagrada Tradición. Ninguna de estas fuentes representa una estrechez o limitación de la Verdad Divina, que jamas se puede limitar. La tradición es viva y no se limita a ninguna secta sino que es universal, como dice San Agustín, "La verdad católica no empezó a existir con la Iglesia Cristiana, sino que es de toda época y lo que se cree en todas partes." Las Santas Escrituras representan una fuente inspirada donde podemos encontrar la Palabra de Dios. Estas dos fuentes siempre se interpretan y someten a dos principios divinos: e! Amor y la Sabiduría. No hay ningún aspecto de la revelación que pueda contradecir estos divinos principios.

LA DIVINIDAD es infinita e ilimitada en Sus Manifestaciones. Es la misma existencia. "Yo soy el que Soy." Dios es Uno y se manifiesta como Trino; e! Padre que eternamente trae (crea) a la existencia todo lo que es, el Hijo que es el Amor Infinito, perfecta imagen del Padre al que encarna, para salvar y sanar a los hombres y el Espíritu Santo que santifica y vivifica toda creación.
LA ENCARNACIÓN; La Segunda Persona de la Santísima Trinidad se encarno en Jesús El Cristo para estar siempre con ios hombres para salvarlos y sanarlos.
LA SALVACIÓN: El hombre se salva por una fe viva que produce buenas obras y un renacimiento continuo en Cristo. El es la luz que mora en los corazones de todos los fieles que lo siguen. Jesús fundo Su iglesia para seguir estando presente y actuando en el mundo. Por esta razón nos dio los sacramentos que son fuentes reales de Su Gracia o Vida Divina:
1.                EL BAUTISMO por agua en e! nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del
Espíritu Santo nos purifica y nos incorpora en Su Cuerpo Místico.
2.       LA CONFIRMACIÓN por imposición de manos y unción por las
manos de un obispo nos santifica, fortalece y confirma en la fe.
3.                LA SANTA EUCARISTÍA presenta en tiempo y espacio e!
sacrificio eterno del Cristo. En ella Cristo nos alimenta con Su
PRESENCIA REAL bajo las formas sensibles de pan y vino. Se
ofrece la Santa Comunión
a todos los que se acercan con
reverencia y corazón contrito.
4.       LA SANTA ABSOLUCIÓN consiste en contrición por nuestras
faltas, intención de cambiar y recepción del perdó
n por las
palabras de un sacerdote. Esta se da en cada celebració
eucarística para facilitar la recepción de la Santa Comunión.
5.                UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS para sanción y perdón de
imperfecciones y faltas.
6.       LAS SAGRADAS ORDENES de sucesión apostólica son tres:
Diácono, Sacerdote y Obispo. Existen para continuar la misió
de Cristo en e! mundo, predicar Su Palabra y administrar los
sacramentos. Son un ministerio de servicio. Ni se recomienda
ni se prohíbe el matrimonio de los sacerdotes.
7.      EL MATRIMONIO es ia bendición de la unión nupcial por la
8.      Estos sacramentos los reconocemos por nuestra fe y

conocimiento y, de cierta manera, ellos nos ponen en contacto con ia Divinidad y por eso e! sacramentalismo es la piedra angular de nuestro templo. Hay, por lo tanto, que dejar muy bien puntualizado que para llegar a los sacramentos hay que, por lo menos, creer y sentir una ferviente obediencia hacia la etica cristiana que esta formada por el RESPETO, TOLERANCIA Y CONOCIMIENTO DE LA OBRA DEL PADRE (el hombre como individuo). Ya que criticar ia creación de Dios es caer en un terrible pecado contra el Padre, que es e! Creador. Antes de amar hay que tolerar. Como antes se dijo, se repite aquí: el que critica la obra del Padre no tiene parte en ia verdadera iglesia cristiana.

LA MISIÓN DEL CRISTIANO es ser perfecto como su Padre que esta en el cielo. Nuestra vida, que no termina cuando dejamos esta vida fisica, sigue, en su evolución, purificándose. Recibimos los resultados justos de nuestras obras, buenas o malas. Ofrecemos la Santa Eucaristía recordando y dando luz a los fieles difuntos.

LA IGLESIA es la comunión de los Santos en unión con su cabeza Cristo. Como nosotros podemos interceder por los que han pasado a una vida mejor, los santos glorificados nos pueden ayudar con sus oraciones. La principal intercesora y protectora de los cristianos es la Bendita Virgen María, Madre de Dios, que representa la perfección de la humanidad. Las enseñanzas de ia Iglesia las podemos encontrar en una tradición amplia y viva y en los tres credos aceptados universalmente en las ramas tradicionales de la fe. Ellos; tanto como la tradición y las escrituras, siempre se han interpretado de muy diversas maneras; por esta razón, en nuestra Iglesia no se exige ninguna interpretación exclusiva de ia verdad.


sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011

Saint Matthew Shephard NOVENA PRAYER

Patron of all victims of prejudice, persecution

And of women giving birth in difficulty


There is always a saint who shields the persecuted, those hated for no other reason than for what God' made them like. Saint Matthew Shephard, hate crime victim has already interceded with God to save many from gay bashing and murder Miraculously he healed women with breast cancer. So his death was not in vain because from heaven he bestows upon the many that invoke him greater blessings than those he gave so kindly when he was in this world. This comes as a shame for those who took the path of satan and perpetrated the horrible crime that somehow has helped in elevating him to the altars. Indeed, it can only be said that those who ridicule and hate what God the Father has created commit the most grevious sin of all, St. Matthew Shephard from the heights of where he is intercedes with God for those that are hated and despised by possessed men and women who are sinners against God the Father. May those who read these lines invoke St. Matthew so that the blessings and .protection he gives may fall upon them.

God the Father of Love:
Pour out Your love and protection on us.
God the Son, Jesus Christ our Friend and
Pour out Your love and protection on us.
God the Holy Spirit, Divine Energy and Wisdom:
Pour out Your love and protection on us.
Holy Trinity, Eternal God:
Pour out Your love and protection on us.
Blessed Mary, Mother of Tenderness and
Keep us under your mantle of love and protection.
Saint Michael, Defender of justice:
Protect us with your sword of truth and shield
us with your shield of justice.
St. Matthew Shephard:
Pray for us.
All you saints and martyrs of persecution:
Pray for us and for the elimination of all
prejudice and cruel acts against God's children...
(Here make your special request)


St. Matthew Shephard, I come to you,
I name you and raise my mind to you
As they have told me, ail martyrs are worthy of
Not because martyrdom is to be imitated,
But to be eliminated.
From your place of peace in the Mind of God:
Move minds and hearts to eliminate unjust suffering
and death.
I come to you and name you
Who are next to the Archangel Spirit,
Who wields the firey sword of truth and justice.
Make truth and justice triumph over unjust suffering
and death.
I come to you and name you.
Who are next to the Blessed Mother of Love and
Compassion so that life, love and compassion may
triumph over unjust suffering and death    Amen+
Our Father       , Hail   Mary    Glory be to the
Free Christian Catholic Orthodox Church. P.O. Box 973, San Jose 1000, Costa Rica

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

san Francisco faith

Bishop Ronald Michael Steinhardt mikepiscopos@yahoo.es

Over a hundred years ago San Francisco in California was half destroyed by an earthquake. But the worst thing was the fire that followed the terrible earth movement.

It was going to destroy what was left of the city.

Somebody began to sing "'Glory, glory, hallelulah'" and a great part of the city began to sing this phrase, it is said that the rain fell and the fire went out and the city was safe. Since then each year people from San Francisco meet at dawn on the day that the catastrophe took place. And some sing and others pray and yet others socialize. But be as it may, the omens on the future of San Francisco didn't take place.

There is Francisco standing as beautiful as ever. The case of San Francisco is not unique, there are are hundreds of cities that hve have saved themselves throug history by community prayer. Most likely the singing of '"Glory hallelulah"" brought harmony to the four elements. Yes, this is what happened. Harmonious music brings peace from disharmonic pain.

Lets hear, dance and sing to the rhythm of harmonious music, and let us avoid the sound of disharmonious music that oly disaster can bring us

Let's rejoice at the sound of sacred music so that its waves bring peace and harmony to our dear nature.

God is so kind that He has bestowed musical geniuses so that we can rejoice in it and give peace to nature.

Let us not dance with the devil at the sound of disorderly music.

It is in our hands to bring peace to nature and orselves.

The goodness of God is such that He has given to us all the keys to live in peace with nature. Glory to the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Bishop Ronald Michael Steinhardt  mikepiscopos@yahoo.es

English Sermon Two

English Sermon Two. Power of prayer over nature,,,Bishop Ronald Michael. mikepiscopos@yahoo.es

After days of anguish bcause of constant heavy rains that has left hundreds without houses and that at least half of the city of St. Ann in Costa Rica in peril of being buried by the surrounding ountains that bean to tumble down, the weather changed for the best, but what is more amazing was that the third and fourth of October are the worst days of the year for raing so much that thesr are called (cordon of San Francisco) something like '"slash of St. Francis", precisely because of this reason, all expected doom for that city was expected. But it was not so, on the contrary. the third and fouth of the month were splended. The sun came out. There weren't thunders or lightng rays and least of all rain.The nights we luminous. There was peace in the air.This sudden tranquility sprang from the prayers of dfferent cults. Yes, the weather calmed down because the ultimate man has is to implore the Divinity and being heard by it, .Ineed, this is a great power that the communities use less and less for these geat natural catastrophes. Yes, when people prayed at the mass in Saint Anne, they bought calm and peace to the city as a result of their finding harmony through prayer.Our Lord Christ brought calm to the tempest, He can do so in any natural event if a group of people with simple prayers harnonize themselves with nature, and so Christ comes to help. Let's not forget that its out of the disharmony with ourselves that brings disharmony to our beloved nature.Thanks to God the Almighty that the power to clam nature is within us all. Amen And let us not forget the intercession of St. Francis Assisi, saint of ecology.Amen. Bishop Michael Steinhardt mikepiscopos@yahoo.es

Fourth Sermon English

Bishop Michael Ronald Steinhar4dt mikeepiscoposτ@yahoo.es
Fourth Sermon English

Faith springs joyfully in the human being that loves. Love begins by being kind to our souls, mind and body. If there is not love for our feelings we are disharmonious with ourselves and therefore we bring disharmony upon others and the four elements of others and the four elements of nature.We cannot ask of ourselves more than we have. It is just as important to know our abilities as our our limitations But,we musr use our abilities, those gifts God has given us to be creative, to be happy with ourselves and others, Let us use at their foremost our abilities so we can be pleasing to our Lord and ourselves.

Here is where love starts, when we truly begin to love life. How can we love life if we dont care for ourslves? And the love that begins from out of our own selves makes us fall in love with the world that is tangible and that is invisible.

Misforture is suffering and this is unkind to us. In moments of great tribulations like when we loose a dear one,we must remeber that tears evaporate, flowers fade out,but prayer alwaya reaches the ears of God.

At all times we mut be in contact with the Lord and thisss is done through prayer, and to pray can be jusr rhree words: Oh, my Lord! In prayers we are in tune with God and with men of good will.

Therefore in prayer we seek and find harmony so that we can distribute it to our four elements and all our brothers, visible invisible. Let us all fall in love with love and we will receive the Blessing of God Almighty. Amen, Amen, Amen

Bishop Michael Ronald Steinhar4dt mikeepiscoposτ@yahoo.es


viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011

Sermon VI


And your wrath is come and must destroy them that destroy the earth.” Revelation 11:18

The Word of God is quite clear on what is the outcome for those that destroy earth. The earth that for all practical  purposes is our caring Mother if we, in turn, care for her.

The earth embraces earth, air, water and fire.  Can anyone live without air? No one could.  Only evil fools, unworthy of being alive can pollute the air so that the morons can have more money.  You must be very stupid to exchange life for money. But the people distrustful of the earth cannot be much longer with us, they are another specie that rhymes their lives at the sound of the tunes, tune of the devil. Yes indeed, they have not much longer to enjoy the beauty and delights of our Mother Earth.  They have disowned the Lord, therefore, they are not his children any longer. They have no business in this beautiful world of ours.  The sooner they disappear the better. For them, there is not forgiveness because they don’t believe in it. Saint John states “Your wrath is come and must destroy them that destroy  the earth. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Sermon VIII

The Body Temple of the Holy Spirit

Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. This temple is composed of many things just as the earth is. It is composed  of the earth which makes up our flesh. Our breath is the air. The air is warmed by the fire.  The majority of our body is composed of water. And so we are not only composed of the earth, we are part of the earth and a symbol of the earth.  So if human bodies are in good health, the earth is in good health.

Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, we are spiritual beings. Mother Earth also has a spiritual interior.  This is reflected in the ethical acts that take part in and through the earth. She nourishes us and gives us our breath and so gives us ouractuality  or reality of  being.

We should be in good health so our bodies are worthy  temples of the Holy Spirit therefore the more temples that are worthy the great temple of Mother Earth is also more worthy to be the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Sermon VII

The body is made up of the same elements that the earth is. Therefore, if our bod are healthy, part  of the earth is healthy as we are a portion of it. It must be taken into great consideration that the bulk  of human beings make up  the wellbeing  of the planet .  If a majority of the human inhabitants of the earth are sick, it means  that most of the earth is ill. So, it goes so for animals, vegetation and for nature in general. All humans, animals and nature in general make up  the whole Mother earth, and the whole depends on its parts of its condition of wellbeing. To be in the grace of God we have to be conscious of our responsibility  of having a healthy mind, soul and body. Of course we all get ill, but this physical illness, though very dangerous, doesn’t have the impact of a sick soul.  It is well accepted by many wise men that the physical condition of our minds and of course’ the minds are just an instrument of our soul. If it is natural to get sick and die, this act should be within the grace of our souls and grace comes from our link with God Almighty. And as we have all been told the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and the grace that comes from God and from God alone is the one that can maintain our body in the proper state to receive the Holy Spirit.

Sermon II

Gospel: Mat. 14: 25 – 32

After days of anguish because of a constant heavy rain that hadleft hundreds without houses and at least half of the city of Saint Ann in Costa Rica in peril of being buried by the surrounding mountains that began to tumble down, the weather changed for the better, but what is more amazing was the third and fourth of October are the worst days of the year for raining. Precisely because of this reason all expected doom for that city. But it was not so, on the contrary, the third and fourth of the month were splendid.  The sun came out.  There were not thunders nor lightning rays and least of all rain.  The nights were splendid,  luminous. There was peace in the air. This suddentranquility sprang from the prayers of the faithful of different groups. Yes, the weather calmed down because the ultimate power man has is to implore the Divinity and be heard by It. Indeed, this is a great power that the communities use less and less for these great natural catastrophes. Yes, when people prayed at the mass in Saint Ann, they brought calm and peace to the city. As a result of prayer they found harmony.

Our Lord Christ brought calm to the tempest. He can do so in any natural event if a group of people with simple prayers harmonize themselves with nature, and so Christ comes to help. Let us not forget that it’s out of disharmony in ourselves  that brings disharmony to our beloved nature.

Thanks to God the Almighty to let us know that our power to calm nature is within us all. Amen

And let us not forget the intercession of St. Francis , Saint of ecology for his intervention thru our prayers. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Sermon III

¡Men of little faith! Said the Lord to the fright ten disciples by the sea tempest around them, and with only a sign from Christ the water calmed down.  Indeed, to be afraid is to have little faith, and when one is faithless one is disarmed

The Creative Force greatly depends on faith.

The creative man whatever his goal is, if there is no faith in him,  he does not achieve his goal.  The architect first has in mind the building he is to make, but to make it areality he must have the faith within him that he can do it, if that faith does not exist  within him that he can do it he can do it, if that faith does not exist within him then there is no building.  To walk on the straight path of our lives to obtain our objectives our flag must be faith.  Faith is the cure for disharmony.  Without faith the human being is disharmonic and brings disharmony upon his surroundings.  But when we look at the magnificence of the skies an awesome feeling invades us and this is the door through which faith enters us .  Yes, if every day we devote a moment to see the greatness of nature we are opening ourselves to faith.  When we are filled with it, then it becomes clear to us that nothing for God impossible; then, with certitude one knows that nature is obedient to the Lord. Let us make our goal to embrace with all our mightthe faith to  the point that God will give us the power to harmonize where there is disharmony. Let us remember how St. Paul calmed a great torment at the midst of the sea by performing a sacrament.  Let us ask Our Lord for the grace of faith; so we can live in harmony with ourselves and nature; !For God nothing is impossible!

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

Sermones Religiosos (English)

The disharmony of man disharmonizes nature.  Certain men have the tendency to reduce all knowledge to reason.  They take as the only truth, science. This perception of reality is too small to understand the immenseness of  knowledge.
Humans get out of tune with the whole when they cannot see further than their five senses. For men to become sound they must enter that infinite invisible world of knowledge.  Human beings worst error  is their inability to pursue the higher levels of wisdom.  In a state of disrupture with themselves they inflict disharmony in nature.   Nearly two thousand years ago a preacher that went by the name of “The Herald of Truth” spoke about the effect of the instability of man on the four elements. It should be pointed out that the four ancient elements referred to by this preacher are not to be confused with the inseparable substances in nature.
The four ancient elements refer to the four of first essentials that make life possible: air, water, fire and earth.  According to the preacher the most subtle of the four is water as it constantly changes from solid, to liquid, to vapor and as such it is the first of them to be affected by the disharmonious human beings so when the instability of man reaches a certain point the first to react is water with floods, and tsunamis. Of late we have  in the world not only the disasters of water but also of fire, earth in quakes and the abominable  destruction of good air. It is more than clear that without air nothing survives for very long, needless to say, the same goes for water.
Presently, with the appearance of the quantic physics a number  of things that before were only believed by faith can now be accepted scientifically. This is the case in investigations made in Japan how water reacts to very words said over it. Pictures of the molecular formation of a particular glass of water changes accordingly to ones offensive or grateful words said over it.  Now it is much   more easy to believe scientifically the transubstantiation. But happy are those had believed and do believe  by faith and faith alone.  In our very days, when nature seems to rent apart our  Mother Earth, which is the only abode that we have, it is imperative that we all human beings calm nature by developing in ourselves a more substantial knowledge of the invisible, of the spirit, if we want to save humankind from total disappearance. All over the world people have suffered the violence of water in rain, floods and tsunamis.
Let us remember now how we learned from the gospels how Christ calmed the tempest by a simple act. Remember the fear of the apostles of the terrible winds  and tempestuous  water and . and how our Lord Christ calmed them. And let us bear in mind  how He
told us that we are children of the Almighty and we can do great things, but we can only do so when we are in harmony with the invisible world of the souls.  Our souls are immense and  our bodies little.
Our souls are so beautiful in harmony. As St. Teresa said:  “They are the Paradise where God delights Himself.” So let us leave this temple today bearing in mind how beautiful our souls are and how much power God has bestowed upon them.”